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.NET Developer - The Knowledges Should Be Prepared

In the market today, there are so many people doing programming, in our country, the amount of .NET Developers also contributes a large part to the society. However, the recruitment companies still have a shortage of human resources with good professional qualifications. So people need to be confident with their knowledge and expertise. So do not ignore the article below because the following information will give people the useful knowledge about .NET and most necessary things to prepare for a position interviewed for .NET Developer.

Concept and Overview of .NET
Concept of .NET Framework

Dot Net (abbreviated for .NET) is a framework, exactly a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It allows programmers to use to develop applications and websites. Bear in mind that .NET is not a programming language, but a platform which allows different programming languages like C # to use to create websites and applications on the Internet. For the languages on the .NET platform, it includes C #, VB.Net

Overview of .NET Framework

The structure of .NET is a set of code written by Microsoft programmers, other developers use this platform to develop other web applications and web services more quickly. It is capable of interacting languages through many programming languages and includes a large class library called FCL - acronym of Framework Class Library - The .Net Framework implements programs in a software environment called Common Language Runtime - CLR for short. This is an virtual machine applying to provide services such as memory management, security and exception handling. Thus, .NET Framework is created from FCL and CLR environments.

The .NET Framework Class Library is a collection of all reusable types that are tightly integrated with common runtime. This is the object-oriented tool providing the kind of features, from which code is managed and implemented. This not only makes .NET Framework easy to use but also reduces the time to incorporate features.

FCL provides user interface, database connectivity, data access, encryption, network information transmission, digital algorithms and web application development and web design. Developers create software using combinations of libraries and .net source code. In addition, Microsoft has created an integrated development environment of .net that is Visual Studio.

Common Runtime is the basement of the .NET Framework, it provides core services such as thread management and remoting, memory management, promoting powerfulness and security. The basic principle of runtime is the concept of code management. The managed code aims at the runtime target, unmanaged code does not aims at the runtime target.

Useful Features of .Net Framework

The .Net Framework accomplishs these following objectives:

  • To provide users with an object-oriented programming language, most compatible with the object's code storage and implementation.

  • To minimize software deployment and conflicts, promote safely code implementation, as well as eliminate, reject performance issues of scripting environments or interpretation by providing code implementation environment .

  • In order to make the developer experience consistent across many applications such as web-based applications, Windows-based applications.

  • The .NET Framework is capable of integrating with any other code so it can build all communication about industry standards.

The Preparation for .NET Developer
1. Basic OOP programming

OOP programming refers to object-oriented programming. These are also the most basic knowledge that everyone in the learning process should master to be able to facilitate the interview process with employers. The concepts, properties and effects of this program are necessary and important. So, in order not to lose points with employers from the beginning, everyone should master the knowledge of OOP programming. At that time, the location of .NET Developer will be greatly expanded for you.

2. Programming language C#

For the programming language C# learning process, people should understand the most necessary information for this .NET Developer vacancy. Although this does not require everyone to know all the information and knowledge of the programming language C#, however, for the core parts, please be aware because the employer can also mention come.


MVC model is evaluated as a model that everyone wants to apply for the position of .NET Developer needs to understand. In addition, the components of ASP.NET MVC also require people to know which components are. Moreover, for the way of transferring data from the Controller to the View, there will be different methods that people can apply. Therefore, this is also something that everyone needs to know to prepare for an interview with .NET Developer.

4. Entity Framework and ADO.NET

In interviews with .NET Developer positions, employers will often ask questions about whether the candidates have worked with Entity Framework or not. And for working with Entity Framework, what are the ways? At that time, people will have to answer this problem, then it can make a good impression in the eyes of employers.

In addition, the way candidates also need to know other methods or other ways to debug, tracing and optimize it. During the implementation of projects that make ADO.NET, people can use how to call store for procedures in SQL. Since then hope everyone will succeed in the interview process with employers and be admitted to the position of .NET Developer that everyone wants.

5. Unit Test Skills

The code should be entered correctly and correctly, so it is necessary, important and indispensable to improve the writing skills of the code for a .NET Developer. Although Unit Test skills are not required for candidates, if this skill is available, this will be a plus for candidates in the eyes of employers.

Moreover, the way to write clean code and optimize the code will be the basis for employers to assess the capacity of the real professional qualifications of the candidates. With this skill, people can easily create long-lasting products that are highly useful.

6. SQL Server

For SQL Server, CRUD scripting is extremely necessary for those who are applying for .NET Developer. In addition, knowledge about Store Procedure, Triggers, Functions, and View also plays an indispensable role that people should not ignore. Thus, the chances of successful recruitment of candidates will be much higher.

In addition, to help everyone's work process become faster and more efficient, source code management skills are also essential. At that time, the working speed of people will increase greatly, bringing about high efficiency in work and from that, employers also appreciate everyone's capacity.

Thus, above are some notes that candidates need to pay attention to prepare well and thoroughly for the interview of .NET Developer position. For a .NET Developer, people not only need to know how to enter the code correctly but also need to know the relevant skills. Meanwhile, the products that people create will really have a great effect on technology development. Hopefully, the above sharing will help people have more necessary information so that the application recruiters can appreciate and increase the chances of successful recruitment for themselves.

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