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Outsource Staff in Vietnam

Offshore Education Staff

Our company specializes in providing high-quality recruitment services in the Education sector. With a team of talent acquisition experts, we ensure to deliver candidates with the right skills and experience, helping educational organizations optimize their workforce and achieve development goals.

Dedicated to excellence, our firm excels in delivering premium recruitment services tailored specifically for the education sector. Our team of seasoned talent acquisition specialists meticulously matches educational organizations with candidates possessing the requisite skills and experience. By leveraging our expertise, educational institutions can streamline their workforce, ensuring optimal performance and progress towards their development objectives. Our recruitment ensures perfect matches, driving smooth progress for all.

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Exceptional Service

We are committed to recruiting top talent for all Education-related positions:

    - Academic Markers
    - E-Learning Specialist
    - Teaching Assistants
    - Online Tutor
    - Educational Technologist
    - LMS Administrator
    - Student Administrative Officer
    - English Teacher

Developing an offshore Education team in Vietnam

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Establishing outsourced education support teams in Vietnam is a strategic way to gain a competitive advantage and provide essential assistance to your students. Whether you operate a university, technical college, or online educational platform, the growing trend in the industry is to build offshore education support teams in Vietnam.

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The process of finding qualified and experienced staff for teaching, marking, and developing online courses can be time-consuming and frustrating. Building an offshore team of education support staff eliminates the need for you to handle these tasks independently. We take care of the entire recruitment, hiring, and onboarding process for your remote-based educational support team.

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Tailoring the team to your specific criteria, we present you with a shortlist of candidates, allowing you to easily select the best fit. With access to an extensive database of professionals in Vietnam, we efficiently build an educational support team that precisely meets your requirements. Our state-of-the-art facilities in Vietnam, equipped with high-speed internet, advanced computers, individual workstations, and meeting rooms, ensure a conducive working environment for your team.

Advantages of building remote Education teams in Vietnam with TSC

Unlock the potential benefits of offshoring education staff in Vietnam to enhance your student services and alleviate the workload on your current staff. Building educational support teams in Vietnam presents a cost-effective strategy to expand your online course offerings, provide additional tutoring, and reduce the marking loads on your in-house staff. This approach also frees up valuable time for your existing team, enabling them to focus on developing new courses or updating existing ones.

Whether you require educational technologists, LMS administrators, academic markers, teaching assistants, English teachers, or online tutors, offshoring education staff in Vietnam offers diverse advantages to meet your educational objectives.

By entrusting us with the management of HR, payroll, annual leave, and sick leave entitlements, you can streamline operations. Simply schedule the tasks for your remote-based education staff, and we will monitor their daily activities and productivity. The cost-effectiveness of hiring remote-based education staff makes this strategy an ideal solution for gaining a competitive edge, expanding your market share, and achieving your business goals.

With a retention rate exceeding 90%, we take pride in being a leading provider of offshore educational staff in Vietnam.

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