In recent years, Web programming have had promotion more and more. Every few months, a framework JavaScript is added in the system while applications always is updated. Today, Reactjs and Angular are the most popularity Framework JavaScript. JT1 will provide some information about these framework, especially Reactjs.
What is the definition of Reactjs:
Reactjs is an open-source Javascript library that used to build user interfaces, especially for single page application. It is used to solve view layer for web and mobile apps. React also allows to create reusable ingredients UI, embed html in code javascript from JSX and embed html into JS. If other frameworks strive for a complete MVX, React stands out for its simplicity and ease of collaboration with other Javascript libraries.
Compare Reactjs and Angular:
Pros and Cons of Reactjs:
Using JSX: JSX is a unique syntax that allows HTML citations and applies HTML ag syntax to display subcomponents. This helps promote building machine-readable code while making it possible to compound components in one file verification.
Render faster: Reactjs only make things that are changed in file by using virtual DOM. This is the most recognizable feature of ReactJS. It offers a competitive advantage compared to Angular.
It focuses on JS: Unlike Angular is HTML-Centric, JS-Centric offers more advantages because Javascript is stronger. This makes Reactjs is simple and focused.
Reactjs is not a complete framework: Because of this, a programmer will require more knowledge of programming to integrate the user interface library into the MVC framework. It is also considered as a immature version of Angular.
Flux application is required when adding architecture and structure into any Reactjs application. This is a big challenge for new programmers because there is no any structured document.
Little support from the community: Because It's relatively new and mostly supported from facebook, the developer community is quite small.
Pros and Cons of Angular:
Support global community: Angular is supported by global community as one of the best framework on the world. Through contributions and collaboration from the community, Angular has continued to gain high credibility and trust.
Full framework: Because Angular has full framework, it can work on any platform or browser. It has more consistency and more completion than Reactjs.
2-way data binding: This is maybe one of the most important functions because Angular diffuses the effects of small data changes, so it takes away the need for efforts to synchronize data in the model and interface.
Provide methods to design model: Using special binding expressions in HTML attributes, programmers can define templating functions. In particular, Angular provides a deeper understanding of the Document Object model while carefully designed templates reduce the overall task required for coding.
Using a separate data binding system: When programmer is designing fields in HTML documents, each rendering field comes with its own data constraint.
Limitations in data modeling: Angular secures programmers only can use small models, encode is quite simple to perform and test for better result.
If pages contain many interactive elements, Angular will become slowly.
Like many client-rendering applications in JavaScript, programmers must put a lot of emphasis on security for the safety and reliability of applications.
Although the Angular scope is easy to use, it is difficult to correct errors.
Each reactjs or Angular has special functions, so be sure to evaluate your project mathematically: level, dependency, size, features, and interoperability among others to make the right choice.
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